
Little things that make me happy...

There are lots of little things that have happened in the past few days that make me very happy.

Shoes! I found the coolest shoes online today. I don't have $102 to buy them, but oh how I want them! So pretty! The are from www.endless.com. This site has some of the coolest shoes I've ever seen. Not that I have any money, because I'm flat broke, but I still love looking and dreaming. I told hubby today that sites like this are the reason we don't have money - God knows that if we had money I'd own more pairs of shoes than I could wear in my lifetime.

Wee One's favorite book is Mouse Cookies and More: A Treasury and she insists on reading it all the time. Last night we started reading and it went like this:
Me: If you give a mouse a...
Wee One: COOKIE!
M: He'll probably ask for some...
M: And if you give him some milk...
W: He ask pour a STRAW!
...and on and on through If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, If you give a Pig a Pancake, If you Give a Moose a Muffin and If you Take a Mouse to School. The funniest part is in If you Give a Mouse a Cookie when he wants to hang his drawing on your refrigerator, she screams out that he'll need "SCOTCH TAPE!!!" It's so sweet to listen to her "read" it with me.

I have a ton of work that I'm doing right now - all freelance stuff - and it's been so much fun. I actually love what I get to do, and lately have gotten some really great people to work with. And to top it off, I got an Amazon gift card from one of the people this week (thank you if you're reading! :D) How awesome is that? I get to do what I love, work with great people, and get cool gifts. I love my job.

And the best thing of all...
I've lost 9 POUNDS since Christmas! I'm SO excited. I had 22 that I needed to lose, so now I'm down to only needing to get rid of 13 more. And even better - around Christmas I bought this belt - it has 5 notches on it. When I bought it I barely got it to the second one. Now it's on the last, and my pants are still loose. I think it's almost time to go clothes shopping!


15 years today...

Today makes 15 years since my brother-in-law had his transplant. When he was 7 months old he had a liver transplant at the University of Nebraska in Omaha, and thankfully has been doing great since. He will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life, and there are a long list of things he can't eat, but he's here, doing well, and is a typical 15 year old boy. I can't even imagine what my inlaws were going through while watching him in the hospital, and knowing that there might not be anything they could do to save him. Even though I didn't know them at the time, I'm extrememly grateful that he is doing well now, and adore having him as my brother-in-law. He annoys the crap out of me at times, but as long as he's here, I don't mind. :D

They are coming up here tonight to take him to Bass Pro Shop, and then on Friday we're going out to eat. And I'm going to do everything in my power to be there for both of them - because after all, 15 years ago we didn't think he'd be here.