
Something that made me smile

This is an email I received from a co-worker this morning. She is the recreation director at the church, and is over Upward Basketball (Cadence had Upward practice last night.)

Hey-just thought I'd tell you that I know as parents we are always looking to find our kids doing something "right".....last night I was still in the gym when it was practice time for Cadence's team-Brent wasn't there yet.........she asked me to lower the goal for her and I did--- she thanked me several times and we had a nice little visit.  I told her I'd be glad to do it and what nice manners she had. Just thought I'd tell you so you could brag on her. I also told her I was hungry and ready for my girl scout cookies and she thought that was funny!

It is always nice to get emails like that, especially since there are lots of times I wonder if the manners I'm trying to teach her are actually sinking in. And it was also nice to know that even though her coach hadn't arrived yet, I can trust her to act like a big girl and not get in trouble. I just love her so much!

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