
Going by too fast

My tiny little baby is now almost a month old. I can't believe that my maternity leave is half over, and in about a month I'll be back at work. So far I've loved every second of it - taking Amelia to Baby Bookworms on Tuesdays, lounging around the house with Maddie and watching her sleep, watching crap tv, and of course the cat naps during the day. I've heard that there are some... things... going on at work, so it should be very interesting when I go back in August. But honestly? I'd rather be here. I know that we wouldn't be able to live anywhere like we do now if I quit, but man, I'd love to be at home. Especially since I'll be shelling out so much for daycare. If only the side projects would pan out, or Mike could get moved at his job so he'd be happier. If only, if only...


Kahla said...

Things will all work out. Maybe not in the time we'd like it to, but in God's time. I'd love to stay home too, I get soooo spoiled in the summer. Now only if I was actually getting paid in the summer and not just stretching my school year pay out, then it's really rock! Can't wait to see ya'll!

robin said...

Glad you're enjoying your maternity leave! How time passes! Can't believe she's already a month old!!!