
31 Weeks - We have 4 Naval Oranges!

31 Weeks

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

9 weeks to go. That’s what I keep telling myself. And as eager as I am to meet her, I hope she stays in pretty close to that. If she comes on her due date, I don’t have to go back to work until the first of the year, plus it gives me more time to get things finished here before that happens. I know there’s a possiblity she could be here by the end of October (Cadence was 2.5 weeks early!), but I’m hoping she stays put for awhile.

We also officially have a name! We have decided to call her Amelia Claire, and I’m very very happy with it. It took us a lot longer to pick a name this time around, but I’m glad with the choice. Cadence told me she doesn’t like it, but I know she’ll come around.

I’m still having headaches, and have come to the conclusion that it’s something wrong with my back and neck. I discovered while in TX that different positions made it better or worse, and started wondering if I had thrown something out. I have a prenatal massage scheduled for next Tuesday, but Mike has promised to give me a ton of back and neck massages between now and then. I’ve also been taking hot baths, walking around more, and trying to stretch throughout the day. I’m not sure if it’s any one thing that’s helped it, but this morning I woke up and felt almost normal. I threw up  in the shower (just like every other morning), but washing my hair wasn’t excruciating and I just realized that I took Tylenol at 7 and it’s now 1:30 and I haven’t taken any more yet. Maybe I’m on the mend.

The trip to TX was great, and I now have so much stuff! I’m starting to feel at least slightly prepared, and my house looks like a Carter’s outlet exploded in it (thank you, Kahla!!) Millie will definitely be the best dressed little girl around, and Cadence has had fun helping me sort through everything. I’m excited for her to get here and us to be able to use all the great stuff we came home with! The only “problem” we’ve had is that I discovered that both car seats won’t fit side by side in my car. Cadence is still in a 5-point harness seat, and I won’t turn it into a booster seat just to make them both fit. For now, at least, we’ll leave Cadence behind the passenger seat and put Millie behind me. I hardly ever have other people with me, so I don’t think it will be that big of a deal. If Cadence starts complaining about the 5-point harness (I don’t think she realizes yet that there is actually another option in my car), then I’ll change it, but for now we’re going to leave it like it is.

I have a busy few weeks coming up, but know that it will make this pregnancy fly by even faster than it is now. Over the next two weeks I have a massage, my 32 week appointment, homecoming at Mike’s high school (Caroline is a homecoming maid!), and then a shower at the church. I’m so excited!!

And me, the blimp, at 31 weeks! I'm beginning to feel like she has her own gravitational pull!
31 Weeks

Things I’m thankful for:
1) A name!!
2) I’m starting to feel slightly better
3) Seeing family (that I already miss!)
4) All the awesome baby stuff
5) Baby kicks and turns

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