The thing I've had the most fun with is tshirts. I used the same freezer paper tutorial I used on the Jeep shirt, but made sure to have matte paint this time. They are working out beautifully, and I've gotten carried away making them.
Here are the ones that are finished so far:

Hitchhiking Ghosts (mine)

The Tightrope Walker from the Haunted Mansion (mine)
I'm planning on putting some kind of frame around this one

Aurora and Maleficent (mine)

Nemo (Amelia)

Beauty and the Beast Rose (Amelia)

Perry Fedora (Cadence)

Max as Powerline from A Goofy Movie (my sister)
In cast you need more:

Tom Selleck from Meet the Robinsons (my sister)
Again, more:
And here are the clothes that my AMAZING friend Jamie made for the little ones:

Mary Poppins Jolly Holiday Dress

Snow White Tunic (it will have yellow leggings under it)

Minnie Mouse Pillowcase Dresses
And last, the other clothes:

The new nightgown Aunt Sarah bought. It's "Roar-Ra!!" and she is VERY excited to have it!

Snow White and Cinderella from MamMaw
I have more tshirts coming, plus Ariel Rompers and an adorable Alice dress! I can't wait, and will have those pictures up soon. 39 days to go!!
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