Total cost for the project:
Shower curtain: $6.75
Bathmats: $9 and $13
Primer: $11 (used half a can)
Paint: $11 (again, half a can)
Canvases: $28
Total: $78.75
We already had everything else in there, plus the paint and brushes she used to paint the pictures with. Not bad for less than $100! The floor will get replaced eventually, but we decided to wait on that for now.

As you can see, quite a change. And now, all the gory details! :)

Mike said her section looked like graffiti
After the primer. She said it looked like "a big fluffy marshmallow!!!" Too bad it didn't smell that way.

Painting away...

And it's finished!!

And a close up of the artwork:

Wall across from the sink and toilet

By the sink and door

Above the toilet
SO cute!
What a transformation! I love it, and Cadence looks so proud!
I like her bathroom better then mine!
Love the new Princess bathroom! Putting her artwork on the wall like that was such an awesome idea!
How totally cute! I absolutely love the artwork too!!!! Great job!
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